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About the artist

My name is Lindsey Goodbun

My preferred medium for creating my art work  is Photoshop although I do like using watercolour and artist markers from time to time.   Recently I have been using Corel Painter to create my artworks. I have had such fun using the program and have seen a definite leap in my artwork as well.

So why fantasy and fauna? I began painting fantasy subjects back in 2001. The Harry Potter films were just starting to be released and I had to do a project for 6th form involving sculpture.

I had a  dream involving a dragon and that was my first step into the fantasy world. I created Norbert. A huge sleeping dragon  who now  lives in my back garden.

After 6th form I moved on to art college where I continued to draw dragons and begun creating art digitally. For my final piece I made yet another dragon, Jasper the poetry dragon.

By now I was hooked on creating these magical beings and began creating them digitally and I have yet to look  back.

From dragons came faeries and the unicorns and soon I was creating a whole world full of these magickal beings much to the dismay of my University tutors but I stuck with it and proceeded to learn more about my chosen subject and medium.

I began making and selling greeting cards in local shops and online and have made many friends with fellow fantasy artists who I am very glad to be associated with.

Many of my fantasy works include animals and this is something I also enjoy painting. I was commissioned to paint a Grizzly bear for a client and my robin Christmas card was well received, so I have decided to focus on the two sides of my creativity and show case them here on my own site.

Another aspect of my inspirations is that of Steampunk. This is artwork based in a Victorian world but with a sci- fi twist.

I hope you enjoy looking through my gallery of art.

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